November 17, 2022

The Leonid meteor shower peaks this evening at approximately 6 pm. This shower is active from November 6 to November 30 and is produced by dust left behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle. At its peak, the Leonids are expected to produce approximately 15 meteors per hour. Viewing from the city will limit the number of meteors it is possible to see; however, there will be little interference from the Moon as it is near the new moon phase.

The sky as it will appear at 5:30 am tomorrow morning. The radiant of the Leonids meteor shower can be found in the constellation Leo the Lion. This constellation does not begin rising in the eastern sky until approximately 11:30 tonight. This means that the best time to observe this meteor shower is between 11:30 pm and dawn tomorrow morning. Star map created using Stellarium Image credit: NASA SVS