Become a SciFest Exhibitor

SciFests are free, day-long themed events designed to connect the public with people and organizations representing a variety of STEM applications. SciFest events present a unique opportunity to connect the community with STEM experts for a personal, close-up look at both cutting edge and everyday ways STEM concepts are used in a broad range of topics, careers, and interests.

Things to Consider

SciFest exhibitors engage directly with the public, providing hands-on, interactive STEM-learning opportunities for all ages.
SciFest exhibitors are expected to:

  • Share what you do and how you use STEAM applications as part of your work.
  • Engage the public through either a 15-20 minute presentation or for the entire day of the event at a station or booth in a more personal interactive manner.
  • Work with the STEM Events Manager to tailor both content and activities for maximum engagement and impact with our audience.

To be considered for participation as an exhibitor in a future SciFest event, fill out the form here