Motor Annual Magazine January 1931

With over 300 pages of articles, photographs, illustrations, renderings, and advertisements, the Motor Annual Show Number was the premier automotive magazine each year in the early 20th century. Nearly every car manufacturer at the time advertised in these magazines showcasing the newest automobile models on the market. The full color cover illustrates the popularity of… Continue reading

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 28, 2021

Cirrus clouds this time of year often precede thunderstorms. When near full moon, you will sometimes see a ring around the moon as reflected sunlight is refracted through 6-sided ice crystals in these clouds. These rings are a type of atmospheric optic called halos.

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 25, 2021

On this date in 1961, Mercury MA-3, carrying a ‘mechanical astronaut,’ was launched in a failed attempt to orbit the spacecraft. The spacecraft was successfully recovered and was shipped back to McDonnell Aircraft for refitting.

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 24, 2021

Rising in the southeast at midnight is the bright red super giant star Antares. This is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion which is a sign that summer is approaching.

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 23, 2021

In 1972 on this date, Apollo 16’s lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon, placing astronauts Charles Duke and John Young in the moon’s Descartes region, only about 230 meters northwest of the planned target area. Thomas K. Mattingly II remained in lunar orbit aboard their command module Casper.

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 22, 2021

Look southeast around 9:30 pm for the bright star Spica in the constellation Virgo. Spica is a B-class star with a visual magnitude of 0.97. The easiest way to find Spica is to follow the curve of the Big Dipper’s handle to the red star Arcturus and continue to Spica.

Impala Skull Collected from Southern Africa

The Impala is an antelope native to the savannas and woodlands of eastern and southern Africa. Did you know that impalas bark? When a predator is sensed, an impala will bark to warn the rest of the herd. This causes the entire herd to flee, making them very difficult to catch. Impalas are very fast… Continue reading

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 21, 2021

On this date in 1998, China announced plans to launch their first manned spacecraft into Earth orbit the following year. The project took longer than expected, but Shenzhou 5 was successfully launched on October 15, 2003.