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Public Star Parties are hosted on the first Friday of most months as part of the Science Center’s First Friday events. Weather permitting, a number of telescopes will be available outside the McDonnell Planetarium and operators will be on hand to answer questions. Indoor First Friday events are offered rain or shine and held inside Planetarium.

Star Parties include a free Monthly Sky Lecture hosted inside the McDonnell Planetarium’s Orthwein Star Bay Theater. We will feature what will be visible in the current month’s sky including constellations, planets, current Moon phase and any other special astronomical events such as meteor showers, etc.

Public Telescope Viewing is scheduled to begin at dusk and end by 9:00pm. The Monthly Sky Lecture is held at 7:00pm.

Learn more about Public Telescope Viewings


June 7
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm


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