Greenhouse updates–To Peat or not to Peat

Hello again everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Chris, and I’m a new part-time facilitator at GROW this summer. Some of you might remember me from last year’s greenhouse blog posts, where I talked about everything from aphids, to fish, to commercial lettuce. Being a YES Teen with the… Continue reading

Bee Blog – Scales

We have new toys in the bee yard! We recently installed broodminder scales under the GROW honeybee hives to help keep track of how they are doing without having to open the actual hives, which is especially challenging during winter. The scales take a lot of the guesswork out of beekeeping. Before, we could tell… Continue reading

Are the Bees Buzzing over Winter?

Fall is a nerve-wracking time for honeybee keepers, who often fret about whether their bees have enough honey reserves to survive the winter or whether mites have decimated their bee populations. Bees will typically only leave their hive when the weather is pleasant (at least in the 50Fs and sunny), so it’s hard to walk… Continue reading

Honey Bees Get a New Home

While we are closed, the plants and animals at the Science Center still need to be cared for. That includes the honey bees in the outdoor GROW area. Follow along as Hannah and Maddie move an entire honey bee colony to their new home. Connect with curiosity!

African clawed frog, African clawed toad, African claw-toed frog, platanna (Xenopus laevis).

Lunchtime in the Life Science Lab

Did you know that Axolotls, Western Lesser Sirens, and African Clawed Frogs are all carnivores? Go behind-the-scenes with Charlie in our Life Science Lab to find out how these amphibians hunt for prey while he feeds them their favorite snack. Connect with curiosity!

Water Change Day

The first rule of Life Science Lab is “Explore, Observe, Discover!” The second rule of Life Science Lab is “Always wear waterproof shoes.” Routine water changes are a major part of our critter care routine. Removing small amounts of old water from the tanks and replacing it with fresh clean water helps us keep waste… Continue reading

African Clawed Frog

What do clones, pregnancy tests, and the Space Shuttle Endeavor have in common? Go behind the scenes with Dakota in the Life Science Lab to find out! Connect with curiosity!