Honey Bees Get a New Home

While we are closed, the plants and animals at the Science Center still need to be cared for. That includes the honey bees in the outdoor GROW area. Follow along as Hannah and Maddie move an entire honey bee colony to their new home. Connect with curiosity!

African clawed frog, African clawed toad, African claw-toed frog, platanna (Xenopus laevis).

Lunchtime in the Life Science Lab

Did you know that Axolotls, Western Lesser Sirens, and African Clawed Frogs are all carnivores? Go behind-the-scenes with Charlie in our Life Science Lab to find out how these amphibians hunt for prey while he feeds them their favorite snack. Connect with curiosity!

Self-Watering Garden

In this at-home activity, learn to utilize the forces of capillary action to make a planter at home that will water itself. Plants use capillary action to draw water from the ground up into their roots and stems in order to survive. Capillary action is able to work against gravity because the forces that keep… Continue reading

Soil Your Underwear Challenge
Activity 7

Unbury Your Underwear What did the soil do to your underwear? ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION At this point, you have learned quite a bit about soil. The arthropods you exposed, the seeds you germinated, the song you sang, and the art you made all relate to the characters in your soil’s story. Healthy soil supports a diversity… Continue reading

Collections – Snowy Owl

Native to North America, the snowy owl breeds in the treeless arctic tundra but can migrate as far south as the northern Plains states and New England during the winter. The owls prefer treeless areas and wide open spaces and often sit right on the ground to hunt small mammals. This large white owl is… Continue reading

Soil Your Underwear Challenge
Activity 6

Paint with Soils Use the diverse colors and textures of soil to make art. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Did you know that you can paint with soils? Many cultures have used soils as pigments for pottery, textiles and storytelling. Next time you see a road-cut, an exposed bluff, or even when you unbury your underwear during Activity… Continue reading

Soil Your Underwear Challenge
Activity 5

Soapy-Water Flush Bring the insects in your lawn to the surface. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Scientists who study insects sometimes use a “soapy-water flush” to bring insects to the surface. The soap irritates the insects’ exoskeletons, forcing them to crawl up from their homes to the tips of grass blades. With this activity, you can play with… Continue reading

Soil Your Underwear Challenge
Activity 4

Berlese Funnel Discover and collect the arthropods in your soil. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Italian entomologist Antonio Berlese invented this insect-collecting device in 1905. It’s still used today to extract arthropods from soil samples. It uses a heat source (in this case a light bulb) to dry the sample, forcing the insects through a screen and into… Continue reading

Saint Louis Science Center Collections A to Z

The Science Center’s Collections Department cares for and preserves a wide variety of artifacts, some of which may surprise you! From animals to fossils, ancient pottery to meteorites, space toys to medical tools, here you can discover a selection of wonderful things from A-Z. Connect with curiosity!

Earth Day 2020

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, consider planting a Climate Victory Garden! Join our Plant and Animal Manager, Hannah, in our GROW exhibit to see how you can help control climate change in your own backyard. For more St. Louis area Earth Day online content, be sure to visit earthday-365.org. *Note: The… Continue reading