Earth Day 2020

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, consider planting a Climate Victory Garden! Join our Plant and Animal Manager, Hannah, in our GROW exhibit to see how you can help control climate change in your own backyard. For more St. Louis area Earth Day online content, be sure to visit *Note: The… Continue reading

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 22, 2020

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.  50 years ago, this celebration helped mark the beginning of the modern environmental movement. This year’s theme for Earth Day is climate action. To learn more, visit the official Earth Day project website here.  

Water Change Day

The first rule of Life Science Lab is “Explore, Observe, Discover!” The second rule of Life Science Lab is “Always wear waterproof shoes.” Routine water changes are a major part of our critter care routine. Removing small amounts of old water from the tanks and replacing it with fresh clean water helps us keep waste… Continue reading

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 21, 2020

The annual Lyrid meteor shower peaks tonight into tomorrow morning. The radiant for this moderate meteor shower is in the constellation Lyra the Harp which rises around 10pm. Your best views will be after midnight as Lyra climbs higher in the sky. Please practice responsible social distancing when you go outside to observe.

Rain Clouds and Lava Lamps

Here we have Science Center members Lauren and Natalie Lynch making a rain cloud and a homemade lava lamp. Share how you science at home! Our members have been busy at home working on science experiments and expanding their curiosity. If you want to share your own moments, submit your videos and photos to… Continue reading

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 20, 2020

Tonight at 8:30pm, the constellation Leo the Lion will be visible overhead. This is one of the original constellations that marked what the Babylonians called “the Way of the Moon.” Please practice responsible social distancing when you go outside to observe.

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 19, 2020

In 1971 on this date, Salyut I, the first manned space station, was launched by the Soviet Union. It included several military and non-military experiments, was visited by astronauts from two Soyuz flights, and finally burned up on re-entry on October 11.

Astronomy Fact of the Day: April 18, 2020

The study of how light (or the ‘electromagnetic spectrum’) interacts with matter is called spectroscopy. Most wavelengths of light are not visible to humans, so we must build instruments to detect these “invisible” wavelengths. One such example is radio waves. If you would like to learn more about radio astronomy, visit the National Science Foundation’s… Continue reading